

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 宝安区梅龙路梅龙苑2单元2206
  • 姓名: 潘先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:二手 二手数码产品 摄像机
  • 发布日期:2016-10-03
  • 阅读量:467
  • 价格:11.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:PCO.1200S
  • 产品数量:11.00 台
  • 包装说明:111
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区  
  • 关键词:PCO.1200S


    高速粒子成像测速; 瞬间物理现象; 高速碰撞研究; 显微高速成像;汽车碰撞测试;材料测试;张力测试;显微镜学;气囊膨胀实验;快速流体观测;喷雾成像分析;流体力学;燃料注入;电闸放电;燃烧过程分析;半导体质量控制;自然界和医学上的快速成像研究;弹道学;**慢动作电影剪切;高速生物学现象观测(肌肉收缩);交通控制等等
     德国PCO公司PCO.1200s 高速摄像机
    德国PCO 公司是世界上着名的专业生产高速相机,**高速相机和高性能相机的公司。世界上众多的着名科研机构,工业,大学,军事单位都在使用该公司的产品。  
      pco.1200s 高分辨率高速摄像仪采用具有革命性的CMOS技术和电子技术。摄像仪具有*特的内置高速成像内存(较高可达4GB),系统采用了130万高像素CMOS,保证了图象的清晰度(分辨率1280 x1024)和**低噪音。
      pco.1200s 由外观紧凑的摄像头和外置的智能型电源组成。1200s可通过IEEE1394或者千兆网实时观察或者,记录。曝光时间从1μs到5s。可支持软件触发拍摄或者TTL触发拍摄。
      pco.1200s 这款高速CMOS摄像仪较适合于高速应用.
    1、分辨率:     130万像素  (1280 x 1024)resolution  
       像素大小:   12um x 12 um
       芯片大小:   15.36x12.29 mm
    2、图象拍摄速率:500 fps @ 1280 x1024 full resolution 全分辨率
                     1002fps @1280x512 pixel
                     2003fps @1280x256 pixel
                     4006fps @1280x128 pixel
                     8011fps @ 1280x64pixel
                     16019fps @1280x32 pixel
    较高速度     32024fps @1280x16 pixel
    3、灰度值:      10-bit dynamic range
    4、曝光时间:    1us to1s exposure time  ( 1us 到1秒曝光时间可调)
    6、图象传输速率:高速图象传输可达 820 MB/s
    自带接口软件Camware图象接口软件,负责控制相机拍摄,调整拍摄帧数; 可在每帧图象上面实时显示时标. , 调整图象的Gain值 , 图象强度. 支持多种影像输出格式 BMP ,TIF
    高速粒子成像测速; 瞬间物理现象; 高速碰撞研究; 显微高速成像;汽车碰撞测试;材料测试;张力测试;显微镜学;气囊膨胀实验;快速流体观测;喷雾成像分析;流体力学;燃料注入;电闸放电;燃烧过程分析;半导体质量控制;自然界和医学上的快速成像研究;弹道学;**慢动作电影剪切;高速生物学现象观测(肌肉收缩);交通控制等等
    pco.1200 hs
    highspeed 10 bit CMOS camera
    This high speed 10 bit CMOS camera system comprises advanced CMOS and electronics technology. With the new approach to integrate the image memory into the camera itself, it enables unmatched fast image recording with 1GB/s. The system features an excellent resolution and low noise. It consists of a compact camera with an external intelligent power supply. The image data is transferred via customer selectable standard data interfaces. The available exposure times range from 1 μs (50 ns optional) to 5 s. 
    This digital CMOS camera system is perfectly suited for high speed camera applications such as material testing, external crash testing or super slow motion movie clips.
    636f ps at full resolution (1357 fps at VGA)
    extremely fast image recording - 1 GB/s
    10 bit dynamic range
    exposure time range 50 ns - 5 s
    image memory in camera: camRAM up to 4 GB
    high resolution 1280 x 1024 pixel
    interframing time 75 ns
    standard interfaces: USB 3.0, Camera Link / USB 2.0, IEE1394
    cooled 14 bit CCD camera
    This high dynamic 14bit cooled CCD camera system comprises advanced CCD and electronics technology. With the new approach to integrate the image memory into the camera itself, it enables unmatched fast image recording with 160 MB/s. The system features thermoelectrical cooling, a superior high resolution and low noise. It consists of a compact camera with an external intelligent power supply. The image data are transferred via customer selectable standard data interfaces to a computer. The available exposure times range from 500 ns to 49 days. 
    This digital CCD camera system is perfectly suited for low light camera applications like fluorescence imaging and microscopy. Color and monochrome image sensor versions are available.
    resolution 1600 x 1200pixel
    cooled 14 bit dynamic range
    image rate of 30 fps @ full resolution
    image memory in camera: camRAM up to 4GB
    low noise of 10 e- rms @ 10 MHz
    thermoelectrical cooling of delta -50°C vs. ambient
    standard interfaces (USB 3.0, IEEE1394, camera link, GigE / USB 2.0)
    ultra stable offset
    pco.dimax HS4
    highest frame rates for extreme fast events
    The pco.dimax HS series combines, with its advanced CMOS- and electronics technology, extreme high frame-rates, best light sensitivity and a real 12 bit dynamic range. 
    With more than 7000 fps at a resolution of 1 megapixel rapid events can be precisely imaged in super slow motion. Due to a variety of trigger- and synchronization possibilities the HS-cameras are suitable for challenging setups like engine research, flow analysis, material testing and further application areas.
    For further information see product data sheet.
    All products at a glance - the new high-speed product overview.
    2277 fps @ 4 MPix resolution (2000 x 2000 pixel)
    7039 fps @ 1 MPix resolution (1000 x 1000 pixel)
    excellent light sensitivity
    12 bit dynamic range
    NO additional black reference calibration required
    9, 18, 36 GB inbuilt image memory
    exposure time range 1.5 μs - 40 ms
    multiple trigger options
    master-slave camera synchronisation (up to 5 cameras)
    IRIG B timecode function
    Interfaces: USB 3.0, GigE/USB 2.0, HD-SDI, CameraLink

    欢迎来到深圳市金通方略科技发展有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市宝安区宝安区梅龙路梅龙苑2单元2206,联系人是潘先生。 主要经营摄像机 监视器 视频会议 手术示教。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司主营3D腹腔镜监视器,术野摄像机,数字一体化手术室,视频会议摄像机,东芝等,拥有强大的资源优势和良好的进出货渠道,具有完善的品质控制系统及客户服务中心,我们服务周全、货源充足、质量可靠、交货及时!欢迎您来电咨询订购!